1.01 The name of this corporation is the LIFE CHANGE BAPTIST CHURCH OF SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA a.k.a. INDONESIAN BAPTIST CHURCH. Hereinafter in these Bylaws this corporation shall be referred to as the “church.”
2.01 The principal office of the church is fixed and located at 13067 Aurora Drive, San Leandro, California, zip code 94577. The Active Members of the church shall have full power and authority to change the principal office from one location to another.
3.01 Life Change Baptist Church of San Leandro is a Family of Faith, whose mission is to glorify God through worship, evangelism, ministry, fellowship and discipleship.
3.02 The church affirms the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God and as the basis of all our beliefs and practices. No other document shall take precedence over the Holy Bible in the life, decisions, and governance of this church.
3.03 The members of the church voluntarily band themselves together as a local body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the Good News of salvation with mankind.
3.04 The ordinances of the church are believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
3.05 This church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000.
3.06 Marriage is a biblical institution established by God as clearly described in Scripture. This church recognizes that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. Accordingly, this church, its pastors, and its ministerial staff will not participate in same-sex unions or same-sex marriage, nor shall its property or resources by used for such purposes.
3.02 The church affirms the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God and as the basis of all our beliefs and practices. No other document shall take precedence over the Holy Bible in the life, decisions, and governance of this church.
3.03 The members of the church voluntarily band themselves together as a local body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the Good News of salvation with mankind.
3.04 The ordinances of the church are believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
3.05 This church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000.
3.06 Marriage is a biblical institution established by God as clearly described in Scripture. This church recognizes that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. Accordingly, this church, its pastors, and its ministerial staff will not participate in same-sex unions or same-sex marriage, nor shall its property or resources by used for such purposes.
4.01 Except as otherwise set forth in these Bylaws, the activities and affairs of the church shall be conducted by the Active Members of the church, and all corporate powers shall be exercised by the Members for Corporations Code Purposes.
4.02 This church is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation, which are common among Southern Baptist churches. This church will cooperate with and support the East Bay Baptist Association, the California Southern Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention, or their successors, as each of those organizations shall define a “cooperating church.”
4.02 This church is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation, which are common among Southern Baptist churches. This church will cooperate with and support the East Bay Baptist Association, the California Southern Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention, or their successors, as each of those organizations shall define a “cooperating church.”
5.01 This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership reserves unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of the church.
5.02 Candidacy to membership:
A. Any person may request membership in the church at any public worship service of the church. All such candidates shall be presented to the church for membership in any of the following ways:
C. Election to membership shall be by a majority vote of the active members present and voting.
See AMENDMENT 2 for amended per annual membership meeting on September 20, 2014
5.03 Classes of membership: There shall be three classes of members: Active Members, Inactive Members and Members for Corporations Code Purposes.
A. Active members shall meet the following provisions:
5.04 Discipline:
A. The practice of this church shall be to emphasize to its members that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member. The senior pastor, other members of the church staff, and the deacons are available for counsel and guidance. The attitude of members toward one another shall be guided by a concern for redemption rather than punishment.
B. Should some serious condition exist which would cause a member to become a liability to the cause of Christ or to the welfare of the church, the senior pastor and the deacons will take every reasonable measure to resolve the problem in accordance with Matthew 18:15-20. If the member should fail to correct the problem despite the counsel of the senior pastor and deacons, the church may by majority vote in regular or special business meeting declare the member to be “out of fellowship with the church.”
C. Should a member remain “out of fellowship with the church” for at least sixty (60) days without correcting the problem, the church may exclude the member, declaring him no longer in the membership of the church. Such action shall require a two-thirds vote of those Active Members present and voting in a regular or special business meeting. The member in question shall receive at least seven (7) days’ notice of the business meeting where such action will be considered.
D. The church may restore to membership any person previously excluded upon request of the excluded person, and by a majority vote upon evidence of the excluded person’s repentance and reformation.
5.05 Termination of membership: Membership shall be terminated in any of the following ways:
A. Death.
B. Transfer of membership to another church of like faith and order.
C. Exclusion by action of this church, according to the provisions of Section 5.04 of these Bylaws.
D. Erasure upon becoming affiliated with a church of another faith or denomination.
E. Written request by a member that his membership be terminated.
5.06 Membership qualification for selected positions:
A. Only Active Members may qualify for election to the following church positions: deacon, clerk, trustee, director of a church program organization, or member of a standing committee.
B. The senior pastor and other ministerial staff members, and their spouses, shall automatically qualify as Active Members of the church immediately following their election to their respective positions. Upon resignation or termination, the pastor or other ministerial staff member, as well as their spouses, shall no longer retain Active Membership status unless the church
takes action in Regular Business Meeting to affirm their continued Active Membership status.
C. Should the individual filling any of the aforementioned positions become an Inactive Member or have his membership terminated, he shall automatically forfeit that position.
5.02 Candidacy to membership:
A. Any person may request membership in the church at any public worship service of the church. All such candidates shall be presented to the church for membership in any of the following ways:
- By profession of faith and seeking baptism according to the policies of this church.
- By promise of letter of transfer from another church of like faith and order.
- By statement of faith when a letter of transfer from a church of like faith and order is not obtainable for some good reason. Such a statement shall satisfy the church concerning the candidate’s prior conversion, baptism, and church relationship. However, no person having been excluded by a sister church shall be accepted for church membership until an attempt at reconciliation has been made toward the offended church.
C. Election to membership shall be by a majority vote of the active members present and voting.
See AMENDMENT 2 for amended per annual membership meeting on September 20, 2014
5.03 Classes of membership: There shall be three classes of members: Active Members, Inactive Members and Members for Corporations Code Purposes.
A. Active members shall meet the following provisions:
- They shall have fulfilled the requirements for candidacy to membership as stated in these Bylaws and shall have been properly elected to membership.
- They shall not have been declared by the church in regular or special business meeting to be “out of fellowship with the church.
- They shall not have had their membership terminated by the church according to Section 5.05 of these Bylaws.
- They shall have attended at least twelve (12) regular worship services of the church during the previous twelve (12) month period, not counting any period before the individual was properly elected to membership in the church. Exceptions due to illness or other unavoidable absence shall require the approval of the deacons upon application by the member.
- They are defined as those members who fail to satisfy any of the requirements for Active Members.
- They may not vote so long as they shall remain inactive.
- They shall be automatically restored to active membership upon satisfaction of the lacking requirement or requirements for active membership.
- They shall be those Active Members who have been members of the church for at least three hundred sixty five (365) days, and who are at least eighteen (18) years of age.
- They shall have the sole right to vote on matters brought before the church during an EXCEPTIONAL business meeting, according to Section 6.04C of these Bylaws.
- Active Membership is not forfeited by the fact that the member is also a Member for Corporations Code Purposes.
5.04 Discipline:
A. The practice of this church shall be to emphasize to its members that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member. The senior pastor, other members of the church staff, and the deacons are available for counsel and guidance. The attitude of members toward one another shall be guided by a concern for redemption rather than punishment.
B. Should some serious condition exist which would cause a member to become a liability to the cause of Christ or to the welfare of the church, the senior pastor and the deacons will take every reasonable measure to resolve the problem in accordance with Matthew 18:15-20. If the member should fail to correct the problem despite the counsel of the senior pastor and deacons, the church may by majority vote in regular or special business meeting declare the member to be “out of fellowship with the church.”
C. Should a member remain “out of fellowship with the church” for at least sixty (60) days without correcting the problem, the church may exclude the member, declaring him no longer in the membership of the church. Such action shall require a two-thirds vote of those Active Members present and voting in a regular or special business meeting. The member in question shall receive at least seven (7) days’ notice of the business meeting where such action will be considered.
D. The church may restore to membership any person previously excluded upon request of the excluded person, and by a majority vote upon evidence of the excluded person’s repentance and reformation.
5.05 Termination of membership: Membership shall be terminated in any of the following ways:
A. Death.
B. Transfer of membership to another church of like faith and order.
C. Exclusion by action of this church, according to the provisions of Section 5.04 of these Bylaws.
D. Erasure upon becoming affiliated with a church of another faith or denomination.
E. Written request by a member that his membership be terminated.
5.06 Membership qualification for selected positions:
A. Only Active Members may qualify for election to the following church positions: deacon, clerk, trustee, director of a church program organization, or member of a standing committee.
B. The senior pastor and other ministerial staff members, and their spouses, shall automatically qualify as Active Members of the church immediately following their election to their respective positions. Upon resignation or termination, the pastor or other ministerial staff member, as well as their spouses, shall no longer retain Active Membership status unless the church
takes action in Regular Business Meeting to affirm their continued Active Membership status.
C. Should the individual filling any of the aforementioned positions become an Inactive Member or have his membership terminated, he shall automatically forfeit that position.
6.01 Church meetings shall be held at any place designated by the Active Members of the church. In the absence of any such designation, church meetings shall be held at the address of the principal office of the church.
6.02 There shall be two general categories of church meetings: WORSHIP services and BUSINESS meetings.
6.03 The following meetings shall be classified as worship services of the church:
A. Regular worship services shall be held publicly on Sunday and on a weekday evening of each week at the time designated by the church. Occasional exceptions may be made with church approval.
B. The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated at least monthly on the dates and hour as may be determined by the senior pastor and the deacons.
C. Revivals and other special worship services may be set from time to time as approved by the church.
6.04 The following meetings shall be classified as business meetings of the church:
A. REGULAR business meetings shall be held at the principal office of the church on the fourth Sunday, three times a year (January, October and December). The church may by prior vote designate a different time and place.
B. SPECIAL business meetings may be held at any time to consider special matters of significant or urgent nature, subject to the following provisions:
6.05 The following general provisions shall apply to all business meetings of the
A.The quorum shall consist of the Active Members who attend the business meeting.
B. Parliamentary procedure shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, except as these Bylaws may otherwise provide.
C. Each member who is qualified to vote is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the church.
D. Members entitled to vote shall not vote or act by proxy.
E. Absentee ballots shall be permitted only by the prior approval of the church acting in regular or special business meeting. When absentee ballots are permitted, those members casting absentee ballots shall be counted in the quorum.
F. The moderator shall preside at the business meeting. The senior pastor shall normally be the moderator. If the church is without a senior pastor, or if the senior pastor should decline to serve as moderator, the church will elect a moderator. Such a moderator shall be nominated by the nominating committee, and elected by the Active Members of the church, and shall serve for a term of one year. In the absence of the moderator, the chairman of the deacons shall preside; or in the absence of both the moderator and the chairman of the deacons, the clerk shall call the church to order and an acting moderator shall be elected.
6.02 There shall be two general categories of church meetings: WORSHIP services and BUSINESS meetings.
6.03 The following meetings shall be classified as worship services of the church:
A. Regular worship services shall be held publicly on Sunday and on a weekday evening of each week at the time designated by the church. Occasional exceptions may be made with church approval.
B. The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated at least monthly on the dates and hour as may be determined by the senior pastor and the deacons.
C. Revivals and other special worship services may be set from time to time as approved by the church.
6.04 The following meetings shall be classified as business meetings of the church:
A. REGULAR business meetings shall be held at the principal office of the church on the fourth Sunday, three times a year (January, October and December). The church may by prior vote designate a different time and place.
B. SPECIAL business meetings may be held at any time to consider special matters of significant or urgent nature, subject to the following provisions:
- A special business meeting may be called by any one of the following: the senior pastor or, in his absence or disability, the chairman of the deacons; the president of the trustees; fifteen (15%) percent or more of the Active Members of the church; or the chairman of the senior pastor search committee, if the selection of a senior pastor is the matter to be considered.
- Notice of all special business meetings shall be given in such a way that the general nature of the business to be transacted is clearly described, along with a statement of the time, date, and place of the meeting (if not at the principal office of the church). Notice of the special business meeting may be given by any of the following methods:
- Distribution of written matter (as stated above) to the congregation in attendance at two regular worship services; or
- Mailing of written matter (as stated above) to those Active Members for whom the church has in its records a current mailing address; or
- Oral announcement of the matter to the congregation at two consecutive regular worship services.
- Such meetings shall be limited to:
- The election or removal of trustees;
- The disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the church;
- The merger or dissolution of the church.
- The amendment of the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the church.
- An exceptional business meeting may be called at any time by any one of the following: the senior pastor or, in his absence or disability, the chairman of the deacons; the president of the trustees; or fifteen (15%) percent or more of the Members for Corporations Code Purposes.
- Exceptional business meetings shall have the same noticing requirements as special business meetings as delineated in Section 6.04B (2), except that any mailing shall go to Members for Corporations Code Purposes.
- One-third of the Members for Corporations Code Purposes shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at an exceptional business meeting.
6.05 The following general provisions shall apply to all business meetings of the
A.The quorum shall consist of the Active Members who attend the business meeting.
B. Parliamentary procedure shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, except as these Bylaws may otherwise provide.
C. Each member who is qualified to vote is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the church.
D. Members entitled to vote shall not vote or act by proxy.
E. Absentee ballots shall be permitted only by the prior approval of the church acting in regular or special business meeting. When absentee ballots are permitted, those members casting absentee ballots shall be counted in the quorum.
F. The moderator shall preside at the business meeting. The senior pastor shall normally be the moderator. If the church is without a senior pastor, or if the senior pastor should decline to serve as moderator, the church will elect a moderator. Such a moderator shall be nominated by the nominating committee, and elected by the Active Members of the church, and shall serve for a term of one year. In the absence of the moderator, the chairman of the deacons shall preside; or in the absence of both the moderator and the chairman of the deacons, the clerk shall call the church to order and an acting moderator shall be elected.
7.01 The Board of Trustees shall consist of not less than three (3) members. Each trustee shall be an Active Member of the church.
7.02 Each trustee shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, or until a successor is elected.
See AMENDMENT 1 for amended per annual membership meeting on September 13, 2008
7.03 The Active Members may elect a trustee or trustees at any time to fill any vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Should the church fail to act within ninety (90) days of the creation of the vacancy, such vacancy may be filled by a majority of the trustees then in office, whether or not less than a quorum, or by the sole remaining trustee.
7.04 Trustees shall serve at the pleasure of the church, and may be removed prior to the conclusion of the term of office at the discretion of the church acting in business meeting.
7.05 The trustees are hereby designated as the directors of the corporation as that term is defined and used in the California Nonprofit Corporations Code, provided, however, that the activities and affairs of this church shall be conducted and its powers shall be exercised as allocated in these Bylaws, and the designation herein of the trustees as directors shall not grant to them any power which is not expressly or impliedly granted by these Bylaws, or by custom and usage, to the members of the church or to any other board, committee, group, position, person, or combination of persons.
7.06 The church nominating committee shall recommend to the church persons for election to the Board of Trustees. Any Active Member may nominate other persons for election to the Board of Trustees. The nominees receiving the highest number of votes of the Active Members shall be elected as trustees.
7.07 The trustee officers shall also be the officers of the corporation. The officers shall be a president, a clerk, a chief financial officer, and such other officers as the trustees or the church may deem necessary for their work. Any number of offices may be held by the same person except that neither the clerk nor the chief financial officer may serve concurrently as the president. The president and the
clerk shall be chosen from among their number by the Board of Trustees, unless the church should designate the officers at the time of their election. The treasurer of the church shall be the chief financial officer. The sole function of the president and the clerk of the trustees shall be to sign such instruments and documents as are necessary or advisable in the name of, on the behalf of, and at the direction of the church.
7.08 The trustees shall take such actions and execute such documents as are necessary or advisable to accomplish the purpose of any matter which is authorized or approved by the Active Members of the church and which concerns any real,
personal, or intangible property.
7.02 Each trustee shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, or until a successor is elected.
See AMENDMENT 1 for amended per annual membership meeting on September 13, 2008
7.03 The Active Members may elect a trustee or trustees at any time to fill any vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Should the church fail to act within ninety (90) days of the creation of the vacancy, such vacancy may be filled by a majority of the trustees then in office, whether or not less than a quorum, or by the sole remaining trustee.
7.04 Trustees shall serve at the pleasure of the church, and may be removed prior to the conclusion of the term of office at the discretion of the church acting in business meeting.
7.05 The trustees are hereby designated as the directors of the corporation as that term is defined and used in the California Nonprofit Corporations Code, provided, however, that the activities and affairs of this church shall be conducted and its powers shall be exercised as allocated in these Bylaws, and the designation herein of the trustees as directors shall not grant to them any power which is not expressly or impliedly granted by these Bylaws, or by custom and usage, to the members of the church or to any other board, committee, group, position, person, or combination of persons.
7.06 The church nominating committee shall recommend to the church persons for election to the Board of Trustees. Any Active Member may nominate other persons for election to the Board of Trustees. The nominees receiving the highest number of votes of the Active Members shall be elected as trustees.
7.07 The trustee officers shall also be the officers of the corporation. The officers shall be a president, a clerk, a chief financial officer, and such other officers as the trustees or the church may deem necessary for their work. Any number of offices may be held by the same person except that neither the clerk nor the chief financial officer may serve concurrently as the president. The president and the
clerk shall be chosen from among their number by the Board of Trustees, unless the church should designate the officers at the time of their election. The treasurer of the church shall be the chief financial officer. The sole function of the president and the clerk of the trustees shall be to sign such instruments and documents as are necessary or advisable in the name of, on the behalf of, and at the direction of the church.
7.08 The trustees shall take such actions and execute such documents as are necessary or advisable to accomplish the purpose of any matter which is authorized or approved by the Active Members of the church and which concerns any real,
personal, or intangible property.
8.01 The senior pastor is responsible for leading and equipping the church to function as a New Testament church. He shall be especially concerned to provide leadership in the areas of preaching, teaching, and pastoral care.
8.02 The senior pastor shall be the overseer of the work of the church. As such, he shall be the chief administrative officer of the church in all instances except those matters which are legally the concern of the Board of Trustees. The senior pastor shall be guided by the instructions of the church in his capacity as chief administrative officer.
8.03 A senior pastor shall be chosen and elected by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. The election shall take place at a special business meeting, according to the provisions of Section 6.04B of these Bylaws.
8.04 When the office of senior pastor is vacant, a pastor search committee shall be elected by the church to seek out a suitable senior pastor, and its recommendation will constitute a nomination. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one name at a time. Election shall be by ballot, a majority affirmative vote by those Active Members present and voting being necessary for a choice.
8.05 The senior pastor’s term of office shall be for an indefinite period. He shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his resignation or by the church’s request.
8.06 The senior pastor may relinquish the office of senior pastor by giving at least two weeks’ notice at the time of his resignation.
8.07 The senior pastor may be dismissed by a majority of those Active Members present and voting in a SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING. Such a vote shall be by ballot. Except in instances of gross misconduct by the dismissed senior pastor, the church will compensate the senior pastor with a sum equal to at least three months of his usual compensation. The termination shall be immediate, and the compensation shall be rendered in one sum paid not more than thirty (30) days from the church action, or in three equal installments paid at thirty (30) day intervals, beginning not more than thirty (30) days from the church action.
8.02 The senior pastor shall be the overseer of the work of the church. As such, he shall be the chief administrative officer of the church in all instances except those matters which are legally the concern of the Board of Trustees. The senior pastor shall be guided by the instructions of the church in his capacity as chief administrative officer.
8.03 A senior pastor shall be chosen and elected by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. The election shall take place at a special business meeting, according to the provisions of Section 6.04B of these Bylaws.
8.04 When the office of senior pastor is vacant, a pastor search committee shall be elected by the church to seek out a suitable senior pastor, and its recommendation will constitute a nomination. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one name at a time. Election shall be by ballot, a majority affirmative vote by those Active Members present and voting being necessary for a choice.
8.05 The senior pastor’s term of office shall be for an indefinite period. He shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his resignation or by the church’s request.
8.06 The senior pastor may relinquish the office of senior pastor by giving at least two weeks’ notice at the time of his resignation.
8.07 The senior pastor may be dismissed by a majority of those Active Members present and voting in a SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING. Such a vote shall be by ballot. Except in instances of gross misconduct by the dismissed senior pastor, the church will compensate the senior pastor with a sum equal to at least three months of his usual compensation. The termination shall be immediate, and the compensation shall be rendered in one sum paid not more than thirty (30) days from the church action, or in three equal installments paid at thirty (30) day intervals, beginning not more than thirty (30) days from the church action.
9.01 The church shall call or employ such staff members as the church shall determine it needs.
9.02 Employment of ministerial staff shall be governed by the following provisions:
A. Ministerial staff members other than the senior pastor shall be recommended to the church by the council committee and employed by church action in business meeting.
B. At the time of resignation at least two weeks’ notice shall be given to the church.
C. The church may vote to dismiss such a staff member upon recommendation of the personnel committee, such termination being immediate and the compensation conditions being the same as for the senior pastor, except that the amount shall relate to the individual’s own compensation.
9.03 Employment of secretaries, custodians, nursery workers, and other non-
ministerial staff shall be governed by the following provisions:
A. Non-ministerial staff members shall be recommended to the church by the council committee and employed by church action in business meeting.
B. Employment and termination of services of non-ministerial staff members shall be with the recommendation of the council committee and, as appropriate, with the consultation of related committees of the church.
C. At the time of resignation at least two weeks’ notice shall be given to the church.
See AMENDMENT 3 for amended per annual membership meeting on September 20, 2014
9.02 Employment of ministerial staff shall be governed by the following provisions:
A. Ministerial staff members other than the senior pastor shall be recommended to the church by the council committee and employed by church action in business meeting.
B. At the time of resignation at least two weeks’ notice shall be given to the church.
C. The church may vote to dismiss such a staff member upon recommendation of the personnel committee, such termination being immediate and the compensation conditions being the same as for the senior pastor, except that the amount shall relate to the individual’s own compensation.
9.03 Employment of secretaries, custodians, nursery workers, and other non-
ministerial staff shall be governed by the following provisions:
A. Non-ministerial staff members shall be recommended to the church by the council committee and employed by church action in business meeting.
B. Employment and termination of services of non-ministerial staff members shall be with the recommendation of the council committee and, as appropriate, with the consultation of related committees of the church.
C. At the time of resignation at least two weeks’ notice shall be given to the church.
See AMENDMENT 3 for amended per annual membership meeting on September 20, 2014
10.01 The church shall elect deacons by ballot at a regular or special business meeting of the church.
10.02 The number of deacons who serve actively shall be determined by the church, and shall not be less than three. Their term of office shall be for three years, with one-third of the deacons being rotated from active duty each year. A deacon who rotates off of active duty may be elected again to active duty by the church after at least one-year absence from active duty. Only active deacons shall vote in the deacon body, or be considered “deacons” as that term is used in these Bylaws.
10.03 In accordance with the meaning of the word “deacon” and the practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the church. The task of the deacon is to assist the senior pastor in performing pastoral responsibilities.
10.04 Deacons shall serve as counsel to both the senior pastor and to the church. However, deacons shall exercise no authority that is not vested in them by the church or by these Bylaws.
10.05 The deacons shall elect their own officers and shall be organized to assist the senior pastor, and for the consideration of issues related to their work. They shall give particular attention to the areas of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, benevolence (care ministry), and guarding the good fellowship and spiritual ministry of the church.
10.02 The number of deacons who serve actively shall be determined by the church, and shall not be less than three. Their term of office shall be for three years, with one-third of the deacons being rotated from active duty each year. A deacon who rotates off of active duty may be elected again to active duty by the church after at least one-year absence from active duty. Only active deacons shall vote in the deacon body, or be considered “deacons” as that term is used in these Bylaws.
10.03 In accordance with the meaning of the word “deacon” and the practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the church. The task of the deacon is to assist the senior pastor in performing pastoral responsibilities.
10.04 Deacons shall serve as counsel to both the senior pastor and to the church. However, deacons shall exercise no authority that is not vested in them by the church or by these Bylaws.
10.05 The deacons shall elect their own officers and shall be organized to assist the senior pastor, and for the consideration of issues related to their work. They shall give particular attention to the areas of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, benevolence (care ministry), and guarding the good fellowship and spiritual ministry of the church.
11.01 The church shall elect a clerk to keep a suitable record of the actions of the church.
11.02 The clerk shall be responsible for keeping a register of names of members, with dates of admission, termination of membership, and a record of baptisms, and shall certify the class of members (Section 5.03).
11.03 The clerk shall issue letters of transfer voted by the church, preserve on file all official communications and written reports, and give required notice of all meetings where notice is necessary, as indicated in these Bylaws.
11.02 The clerk shall be responsible for keeping a register of names of members, with dates of admission, termination of membership, and a record of baptisms, and shall certify the class of members (Section 5.03).
11.03 The clerk shall issue letters of transfer voted by the church, preserve on file all official communications and written reports, and give required notice of all meetings where notice is necessary, as indicated in these Bylaws.
12.01 The church shall elect a treasurer to be its chief financial officer.
12.02 The treasurer shall receive, preserve, and pay out all money or things of value paid or given to the church, keeping at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Expenditures shall be authorized in the budget as adopted by the church, or by specific action of the church, and shall conform to such system of authorization as the church may employ, whether by voucher or
12.03 The treasurer shall render to the church at each regular business meeting an itemized report of the receipts and disbursements for the preceding period since the last business meeting.
12.02 The treasurer shall receive, preserve, and pay out all money or things of value paid or given to the church, keeping at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Expenditures shall be authorized in the budget as adopted by the church, or by specific action of the church, and shall conform to such system of authorization as the church may employ, whether by voucher or
12.03 The treasurer shall render to the church at each regular business meeting an itemized report of the receipts and disbursements for the preceding period since the last business meeting.
13.01 The church shall elect such standing committees as shall be necessary to fulfill the requirements of these Bylaws, or as the church shall otherwise deem necessary.
13.02 Members of the nominating committee shall be nominated from the floor during regular or special business meetings. All other standing committee members shall be recommended by the nominating committee and elected by the church provided that any Active Member of the church may present additional nominations for consideration by the church.
13.03 The senior pastor may appoint special committees to undertake tasks of a temporary nature. In the absence or disability of the senior pastor, such appointment may be made by the chairman of the deacons. Such special committees will dissolve following the completion of their task, or at the direction of the senior pastor or the church.
13.04 The senior pastor shall be an ex-officio member of all church committees, whether standing or special.
13.02 Members of the nominating committee shall be nominated from the floor during regular or special business meetings. All other standing committee members shall be recommended by the nominating committee and elected by the church provided that any Active Member of the church may present additional nominations for consideration by the church.
13.03 The senior pastor may appoint special committees to undertake tasks of a temporary nature. In the absence or disability of the senior pastor, such appointment may be made by the chairman of the deacons. Such special committees will dissolve following the completion of their task, or at the direction of the senior pastor or the church.
13.04 The senior pastor shall be an ex-officio member of all church committees, whether standing or special.
14.01 The church shall maintain programs such as Bible teaching, church member training, music, and mission education as shall be deemed by the church to be helpful in fulfilling its purpose.
14.02 All organizations related to the church programs shall be under church control, with all officers subject to church approval. The directors of each program organization shall be elected by the church and shall serve for a period of one year or as otherwise provided by the church.
14.03 All program activities shall be subject to church coordination and approval. Program activities shall be recommended by the council committee and placed in the calendar of activities. The calendar shall be approved by the church.
14.02 All organizations related to the church programs shall be under church control, with all officers subject to church approval. The directors of each program organization shall be elected by the church and shall serve for a period of one year or as otherwise provided by the church.
14.03 All program activities shall be subject to church coordination and approval. Program activities shall be recommended by the council committee and placed in the calendar of activities. The calendar shall be approved by the church.
15.01 The Church Council shall plan, coordinate, and evaluate the activities of the church. In so doing, the Church Council committee shall keep an up-to-date calendar of church activities.
15.02 The members of the Church Council shall be the church ministerial staff, the church clerk, the church treasurer, the president of corporation, the directors of church ministries and the representative from each services.
15.03 The senior pastor shall chair the Church Council, unless he declines to serve in this capacity. In such an eventuality, or when the church is without a senior pastor, the church council shall elect a chairperson from among its members.
15.04 Any Active Member of the church may attend Church Council meetings with observer status upon approval from the Chairman of Council.
15.02 The members of the Church Council shall be the church ministerial staff, the church clerk, the church treasurer, the president of corporation, the directors of church ministries and the representative from each services.
15.03 The senior pastor shall chair the Church Council, unless he declines to serve in this capacity. In such an eventuality, or when the church is without a senior pastor, the church council shall elect a chairperson from among its members.
15.04 Any Active Member of the church may attend Church Council meetings with observer status upon approval from the Chairman of Council.
16.01 If at any time this church shall be dissolved or should cease to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist church, the property and assets of the church, both real and personal, shall be distributed to the East Bay Baptist Association (EBBA) or its successors. Sections 15.01, 15.02, 15.03, and 15.04 are held to be irrevocable for the purpose of preserving the founder’s intent for this ministry and
all of its assets and properties to remain in Southern Baptist life.
16.02 A vote to dissolve as a church shall require a majority vote at a special business meeting called for that purpose.
16.03 The church shall be determined to have ceased functioning as a cooperating Southern Baptist church when a statement to that effect is adopted by the East Bay Baptist Association Executive Board.
A. Preceding any such statement being adopted the church in question shall be requested in writing by the EBBA Executive Board to attend a hearing to discuss ministry related concerns. The purpose of such a hearing is to resolve the concerns to all parties’ satisfaction. The church agrees that when notified of the hearing about ministry related concerns that no properties or assets, (other than normal budgeted expenses) will be liquidated, transferred or encumbered in any way until the conclusion of the process set forth in Sections 15.03 and 15.04.
B. The church shall have a period of 90 days to address concerns discussed in the first hearing. At the end of 90 days the church shall meet again with the EBBA Executive Board to discuss progress towards concerns raised. If satisfactory progress has been made the matter shall be considered resolved. If insufficient progress has been made as determined by the EBBA Executive Board, a statement may be adopted to the effect that the church has ceased to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist church with the East Bay Baptist Association.
C. This statement would be made in rare instances, for example, the church assets were in danger of being removed from Southern Baptist life by parties seeking to circumvent the church’s will as expressed herein or other conditions that end the Southern Baptist ministry life of the church.
D. The EBBA Executive Board must notify the church in writing if such a statement is adopted. A “ceasing to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist Church” statement will require a three-fourths (3⁄4) vote in favor of the motion by the EBBA Executive Board.
16.04 Should the church be determined to have ceased functioning as a cooperating Southern Baptist church according to the provisions of Section 15.03, the church may appeal the decision to an ecclesiastical council if it believes that the EBBA Executive Board was in error or unaware of important facts that would alter the decision.
A. This appeal must be made in writing to the EBBA Executive Board within 30 days of receiving written notice of ceasing to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist Church with the East Bay Baptist Association.
B. A hearing will be granted within 60 days of receipt of the written request from the appealing church.
C. The appeal will be heard by the ecclesiastical council, which consists of the EBBA Administrative Council, the Director of Missions, four senior pastors within the association that are mutually agreed upon by both the church and the EBBA Executive Board and a non-voting representative of the California Southern Baptist Convention, if available. The church will be notified in writing within 30 days of the appeal hearing as to the final decision of the council. It will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the ecclesiastical council to uphold the EBBA Executive Board decision.
D. The decision of the ecclesiastical council is legally binding upon all parties. Neither the EBBA Executive Board nor the church shall contest the decision of the ecclesiastical council in court.
E. Should either the church or the East Bay Baptist Association fail to cooperate in the council’s establishment or proceedings, that party shall automatically concede its position and privileges in the matter.
all of its assets and properties to remain in Southern Baptist life.
16.02 A vote to dissolve as a church shall require a majority vote at a special business meeting called for that purpose.
16.03 The church shall be determined to have ceased functioning as a cooperating Southern Baptist church when a statement to that effect is adopted by the East Bay Baptist Association Executive Board.
A. Preceding any such statement being adopted the church in question shall be requested in writing by the EBBA Executive Board to attend a hearing to discuss ministry related concerns. The purpose of such a hearing is to resolve the concerns to all parties’ satisfaction. The church agrees that when notified of the hearing about ministry related concerns that no properties or assets, (other than normal budgeted expenses) will be liquidated, transferred or encumbered in any way until the conclusion of the process set forth in Sections 15.03 and 15.04.
B. The church shall have a period of 90 days to address concerns discussed in the first hearing. At the end of 90 days the church shall meet again with the EBBA Executive Board to discuss progress towards concerns raised. If satisfactory progress has been made the matter shall be considered resolved. If insufficient progress has been made as determined by the EBBA Executive Board, a statement may be adopted to the effect that the church has ceased to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist church with the East Bay Baptist Association.
C. This statement would be made in rare instances, for example, the church assets were in danger of being removed from Southern Baptist life by parties seeking to circumvent the church’s will as expressed herein or other conditions that end the Southern Baptist ministry life of the church.
D. The EBBA Executive Board must notify the church in writing if such a statement is adopted. A “ceasing to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist Church” statement will require a three-fourths (3⁄4) vote in favor of the motion by the EBBA Executive Board.
16.04 Should the church be determined to have ceased functioning as a cooperating Southern Baptist church according to the provisions of Section 15.03, the church may appeal the decision to an ecclesiastical council if it believes that the EBBA Executive Board was in error or unaware of important facts that would alter the decision.
A. This appeal must be made in writing to the EBBA Executive Board within 30 days of receiving written notice of ceasing to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist Church with the East Bay Baptist Association.
B. A hearing will be granted within 60 days of receipt of the written request from the appealing church.
C. The appeal will be heard by the ecclesiastical council, which consists of the EBBA Administrative Council, the Director of Missions, four senior pastors within the association that are mutually agreed upon by both the church and the EBBA Executive Board and a non-voting representative of the California Southern Baptist Convention, if available. The church will be notified in writing within 30 days of the appeal hearing as to the final decision of the council. It will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the ecclesiastical council to uphold the EBBA Executive Board decision.
D. The decision of the ecclesiastical council is legally binding upon all parties. Neither the EBBA Executive Board nor the church shall contest the decision of the ecclesiastical council in court.
E. Should either the church or the East Bay Baptist Association fail to cooperate in the council’s establishment or proceedings, that party shall automatically concede its position and privileges in the matter.
17.01 Changes in these Bylaws may be made at an exceptional business meeting, according to the provisions of Section 6.04C of these Bylaws.
17.02 Amendments to the Bylaws shall receive at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members for Corporations Code Purposes who are present and voting in the special business meeting.
17.03 Amendments to the Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon approval unless provided otherwise at the time of the church vote on the amendment.
Per Annual Membership Meeting September 13, 2008
This is an amendment to “Bylaws of Life Change Baptist Church of San Leandro, California (‘Bylaws, “ dated 2006, and as such, amends, and replaces the provisions of the original Bylaws insofar as they conflict with the terms hereof.
7.02 Each trustee shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, or until a successor is elected.
Per Annual Membership Meeting September 24, 2014
This is an amendment to “Bylaws of Life Change Baptist Church of San Leandro, California (‘Bylaws, “ dated 2006, and as such, amends, and replaces the provisions of the original Bylaws insofar as they conflict with the terms hereof.
5.03 Classes of membership: There shall be three classes of members: Active Members, Inactive Members and Members for Corporations Code Purposes.
A. Active members shall meet the following provisions:
Per Annual Membership Meeting September 24, 2014
This is an amendment to “Bylaws of Life Change Baptist Church of San Leandro, California (‘Bylaws, “ dated 2006, and as such, amends, and replaces the provisions of the original Bylaws insofar as they conflict with the terms hereof.
10.01 The church shall elect deacons by ballot at a regular or special business meeting of the church.
10.02 The number of deacons who serve actively shall be determined by the church, and shall not be less than three. Their term of office shall be for lifetime. Active deacons shall elect a Chair of Deacons annually at its annual business meeting. The Chair of Deacons shall be rotated each year among the active Deacons. A Deacon is eligible for the Chairmanship after one-year his ordination and serving actively. Only active deacons shall vote in the deacon body, or be considered “deacons” as that term is used in these Bylaws.
10.03 In accordance with the meaning of the word “deacon” and the practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the church. The task of the deacon is to assist the senior pastor in performing pastoral responsibilities.
10.04 Deacons shall serve as counsel to both the senior pastor and to the church. However, deacons shall exercise no authority that is not vested in them by the church or by these Bylaws.
10.05 The deacons shall elect their own officers and shall be organized to assist the senior pastor, and for the consideration of issues related to their work. They shall give particular attention to the areas of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, benevolence (care ministry), and guarding the good fellowship and spiritual ministry of the church.
17.02 Amendments to the Bylaws shall receive at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members for Corporations Code Purposes who are present and voting in the special business meeting.
17.03 Amendments to the Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon approval unless provided otherwise at the time of the church vote on the amendment.
Per Annual Membership Meeting September 13, 2008
This is an amendment to “Bylaws of Life Change Baptist Church of San Leandro, California (‘Bylaws, “ dated 2006, and as such, amends, and replaces the provisions of the original Bylaws insofar as they conflict with the terms hereof.
7.02 Each trustee shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, or until a successor is elected.
Per Annual Membership Meeting September 24, 2014
This is an amendment to “Bylaws of Life Change Baptist Church of San Leandro, California (‘Bylaws, “ dated 2006, and as such, amends, and replaces the provisions of the original Bylaws insofar as they conflict with the terms hereof.
5.03 Classes of membership: There shall be three classes of members: Active Members, Inactive Members and Members for Corporations Code Purposes.
A. Active members shall meet the following provisions:
- They shall have fulfilled the requirements for candidacy to membership as stated in these Bylaws and shall have been properly elected to membership.
- They shall not have been declared by the church in regular or special business meeting to be “out of fellowship with the church.”
- They shall not have had their membership terminated by the church according to Section 5.05 of these Bylaws.
- They shall have attended at least twenty six (26) regular worship services of the church during the previous twelve (12) month period, not counting any period before the individual was properly elected to membership in the church. Exceptions due to illness or other unavoidable absence shall require the approval of the deacons upon application by the member.
- They are defined as those members who fail to satisfy any of the requirements for Active Members.
- They may not vote so long as they shall remain inactive.
- They shall be automatically restored to active membership upon satisfaction of the lacking requirement or requirements for active membership.
- They shall be those Active Members who have been members of the church for at least three (3) years, and who are at least eighteen (18) years of age.
- They shall have the sole right to vote on matters brought before the church during an EXCEPTIONAL business meeting, according to Section 6.04C of these Bylaws.
- Active Membership is not forfeited by the fact that the member is also a Member for Corporations Code Purposes.
Per Annual Membership Meeting September 24, 2014
This is an amendment to “Bylaws of Life Change Baptist Church of San Leandro, California (‘Bylaws, “ dated 2006, and as such, amends, and replaces the provisions of the original Bylaws insofar as they conflict with the terms hereof.
10.01 The church shall elect deacons by ballot at a regular or special business meeting of the church.
10.02 The number of deacons who serve actively shall be determined by the church, and shall not be less than three. Their term of office shall be for lifetime. Active deacons shall elect a Chair of Deacons annually at its annual business meeting. The Chair of Deacons shall be rotated each year among the active Deacons. A Deacon is eligible for the Chairmanship after one-year his ordination and serving actively. Only active deacons shall vote in the deacon body, or be considered “deacons” as that term is used in these Bylaws.
10.03 In accordance with the meaning of the word “deacon” and the practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the church. The task of the deacon is to assist the senior pastor in performing pastoral responsibilities.
10.04 Deacons shall serve as counsel to both the senior pastor and to the church. However, deacons shall exercise no authority that is not vested in them by the church or by these Bylaws.
10.05 The deacons shall elect their own officers and shall be organized to assist the senior pastor, and for the consideration of issues related to their work. They shall give particular attention to the areas of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, benevolence (care ministry), and guarding the good fellowship and spiritual ministry of the church.